AlpacaSoaps and Ho-Bo Care Boxer Rescue Have Joined Forces to Save Dogs

With the launch of our new product "The Champ" comes our first fund raising effort to help increase donations to Ho-Bo Care Boxer Rescue. We love all animals and we love to give back and we love getting involved so this new venture is a perfect fit for AlpacaSoaps.
I think all businesses and communities and rescue organizations should support each other in growth and sustainability. If we put our heads together we all win. Here is the secret awesome "pay it forward" part of this joint effort. If a person simply visits our site and at the pop up provides us with a legit email address and checks the "Yes" box for "I'm a Ho-Bo Care Rescue Shopper"10% of the very next purchase made on our site, by a total stranger, will be donated to Ho-Bo Care Boxer Rescue. I think that is a super lovely way to give back.
So if you are reading this please go get a friend to participate! All that is required to help is an email and a minute of someone's time.
Bye for now,
Cindy Borsi
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