Happy New Year - We Welcome 2021!

Happy New Year to All! We welcome 2021 but I'd first like to thank everyone for a very successful year end to 2020. We had an amazing holiday season. It was busy and fun and sometimes even provided some nail biting moments.
Every single one of our customers contributed to our busy holiday season and we are forever grateful to you for that as well as helping to make it fun. We love to package and make our products holiday happy. The nail biting came with the mail deliveries. First, I want to thank the men and women who work tirelessly for the postal service. I can only imagine how exhausted they all must be after the last quarter of 2020. Yikes! What a difficult job! And while we had quite a few packages to track due to delay, we are happy to announce that it appears all packages arrived in time. Now that is truly amazing.
And now we move into a new year. We have so many new plans for 2021. And it starts with a clean up or tightening up of inventory. Some items will go on hold or be discontinued this year. And, new items will make their debut in 2021. The website will be streamlined to make shopping easier. And, most exciting for 2021 will be our giveaways every single month. If you have not already done so please take a moment and sign up for our giveaways. The only way to become a winner is to sign up.
Well, I better get some work done on the website changes. Thanks again for all your support.
Hugs and Kisses,
Cindy B.
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