News from AlpacaSoaps Workspace

What you don't know about your hair will surprise you!
Each hair on our heads grows from a tiny follicle, a bulbous-shaped pore in the scalp. At the bottom of each strand is a cluster of special cells that reproduce to make new hair cells that are added to the root of our hair, causing it to grow. Our hair is made of a protein produced by the follicles called keratin. Humans are born with around 100,000 hair follicles on the scalp, all they will ever and always have. However, even though follicles remain for our lifetime, the cells within follicles can die or go dormant and quit producing keratin causing hair loss and baldness. We will discuss keeping our hair follicles healthy in a future article.
Many people think that hair is alive, but this is not true. The hair inside the scalp is alive, and the visible part of the hair, the shaft, is made up of cells that aren't living anymore. Understanding this is critical if we are going to take good care of our hair and if we are going to minimize the use of products and treatments that are potentially damaging to our hair. When we experiment with coloring, perming, or straightening our hair, it is essential to remember that it can not heal. It's not just sick but permanently damaged, and if it is damaged badly enough, our only option will be to cut the damaged hair away and wait for new hair to grow out.
So remember, hair grows from a follicle that is alive, but the visible part of the hair (the shaft) is not alive. We cannot create new strands, but the good news is that follicles are alive so we can take care of our scalp, and the follicles will remain healthy and productive. Hair, on the other hand, is not alive. If we damage it, we can't heal it. We might make it look better or appear "healthier," but healing is impossible. If the damage is terrible, the only remedy is to cut off the damaged parts.

So we are going to begin a month long campaign on haircare called "Rock your Hair". We will run specials, contests, and share haircare tips and fascinating information about hair. We will be running ad campaigns and share customer reviews. We will updated our home page with a cool new video banner all about hair and rework (simplify) the navigation process for purchasing of hair products.