News from AlpacaSoaps Workspace

If at any point in time you notice that your hair is not feeling or looking as good as it had when you began using our hair care products, it is likely due to product build up on your hair. This can happen when you add new hair care items into your routine. Do not despair. We have a simple "household product" solution to this problem should this problem arise.

I can summarize the first time I tried to take charge and "change my look" in three words: a complete disaster. I was in Middle School, and I took all my babysitting earnings, and without my parents' permission, I walked into a local beauty parlor [Yes! That's what we called it back in the day], and I requested blond highlights throughout my very dark hair. I walked home weeping many hours later because I had lost considerable hair (burnt to inches from my scalp), and my highlights were orange.