Sisterhood is Such an Extraordinary Relationship

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Sisterhood is an incredible bond, and when you add the element of being raised in the same household but experiencing life's moments differently, it is simply extraordinary. I was born first in a family of four siblings, one sister, Paulette, and two brothers, Bil and Brian.

I was and still am a girly girl. I love all things feminine and pretty. Now I don't dress up all pink and frilly, but I still appreciate the look when it comes to interiors worn by women or men and, of course, children who can rock the look and color. Unfortunately, pink and fluff do not work with the body and face provided to me by my parents. Otherwise, I'd likely be all in the pink. I was the child who cried when my dress selection ran out, and I was forced to wear a dress for a second time. I was a dress wearer. Pants and tops were never my clothing of choice, but I was easygoing and rarely spent much time fighting my mother about what she had on her plan for me. I secretly grew up desiring to be grown up. I wanted girly things like makeup, a colossal wardrobe, shaved legs, jewelry, a big house, a husband, and boobs. I've since settled into a much more feminist attitude and lifestyle, but I'm not giving up on my love of the girly girl in me. I love her. She makes me so happy to have been born a female. Girls Rock!

While I'm not here to tell my sister's side of our family story or relationship, I know it is very different than mine. I grew up with her and saw enough to know the images I adorned made zero impact on her. They lacked importance. She didn't get my enthusiasm. Paulette could find something she deems "clean enough" to wear, toss it on, and run out the door. She had much more important matters to attend to, like figuring out how something worked and teaching herself something new. I didn't feel that same kind of freedom. I was too caught up in who might see me and what they thought. Paulette seemed oblivious to those kinds of self-imposed limitations. I was completely trapped in what people thought about me and bowed to their actions and words. The ridiculous concerns I had over other people's thoughts took a long time for me to unravel.

So, where am I going with all this? Not exactly sure, but somehow with growth, understanding, and unconditional love, we sisters find ourselves working together and forging a relationship in business that has taken who we both are and shaken it up. And it is spilling into something we are both very proud of being involved in creating. We are different beings with the same desire to make something beautiful and successful. And it will take both of our aesthetics to make this happen. That is so cool to me. If we remain open to each other, we are on the right path, which we must take together, making the possibilities endless.

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