News from AlpacaSoaps Workspace

Sisterhood is an incredible bond, and when you add the element of being raised in the same household but experiencing life's moments differently, it is simply extraordinary. I was born first in a family of four siblings, one sister, Paulette, and two brothers, Bil and Brian.
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What a week we are having with our giveaway. It's been so much fun watching the excitement build as people like and comment and share and sign up. We are just thrilled with the results and we still have 4 more days to go.
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That's right. I'm blogging about my first experience with The Champ. Can this 3.25 oz. circular bar do all it claims? Well, I decided I had better put it to the test. It just made its debut on our website and it has been tested by others but not by myself and I sure don't want to sell anything I haven't tried.
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With the launch of our new product "The Champ" comes our first fund raising effort to help increase donations to Ho-Bo Care Boxer Rescue. We love all animals and we love to give back and we love getting involved so this new venture is a perfect fit for AlpacaSoaps.
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We are getting ready to launch a new product and its pretty amazing. Its an all in one bar that handles all your shower or bathing needs. It was developed for men but can be used by either gender. If you have limited space, love to reduce clutter, like to travel light or just love simplicity this bar covers all bases. And it is affordably priced at $15.00.
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